2nd FLOW
Create an atmosphere of calm, comfort and inspiration at home in 3 weeks so that your home becomes a place of power and not just a roof over your head
online project
start January 13, 2024
This project is for you if you want
for whom
Learn to enjoy taking care of your space
Enjoy spending time at home
Gain the skill to create aesthetics and beauty around yourself
Wake up every morning in a state of resource in which you want to create
Love yourself
Get rid of chaos in your life
YA AT HOME is a project about how to create a life for yourself without adrenaline, fuss and chaos. A life in which a beautiful tea set is for you, not for guests. Where beautifully served breakfasts are created for yourself, even when no one is watching. YA AT HOME will help you add more beauty, comfort and aesthetics to your daily routine. This is a project about true self-love through taking care of your space.
The main
of project
It does
not matter
This skill is necessary for every woman, regardless
of her
financial situation
marital status
amount of free time
This skill is necessary for every woman, regardless of her
or you are retired and decided to live for yourself
a mother on maternity leave
building a career
to present a new lifestyle philosophy for you
Love for yourself
starts with love
for your space
My apartment 3 years ago
My apartment in Moscow
Creating beauty and aesthetics around yourself is a skill that everyone can learn
my apartments
My apartment in America “BEFORE”
Exclusively for YA AT HOME participants
You will see with your own eyes how I will create comfort in a new apartment and I will share all the links only with course participants.
Program of YA AT HOME online-course
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
You will learn how to get out of the “hamster in the spinning wheel” state, get rid of constant stress and anxiety, find that very state of comfort, calmness and tranquility, learn to enjoy the moment.
  • Introductory lesson
  • The philosophy of Alena Yanchevskaya's life
  • How can a woman learn to manage her condition? (Podcast with Alyona and Victoria Yanchevsky)
You will learn how to get rid of chaos and disorder in your life once and for all, so that you have time for yourself (and not cleaning 24/7)
  • How to clear your space of visual noise How to get rid of chaos in your life?
  • How to devote 15 minutes to order in the house, even if there are children living in the house (lessons from Marusya Ryabova, author of the bestseller “Decluttering or Magic Cleaning in Russian”, author of the podcast “Decluttering”, mother of 4 children)
  • How to declutter without feeling guilty? (Lesson from Marusya Ryabova)
  • Basic principles of professional organization of space (lesson from Marusya Ryabova)
  • How to choose the right containers, organizers and dividers?
  • What routines help you maintain order in 10-15 minutes and forget about general cleaning for the whole weekend?
Thanks to simple rules and recommendations from Alena and designers, create your own modern, stylish space filled with aesthetics, comfort and your soul at any budget
  • How to create a stylish home at the renovation level (online magazine from the designers of Alena’s Moscow apartment)
  • "What, where, where" for each room from an apartment in Moscow
  • How to choose home textiles to add style and comfort
  • How to choose stylish home decor
Learn to make your daily routine beautiful and improve your standard of living.
  • Top 15 healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner and how to learn how to create healthy recipes yourself
  • List of my basic food items and where to buy them (waffles, vegan desserts, fish cakes and more)
  • A selection of elegant home looks
  • Stylish flower arrangements for the home (from flowers that last a long time)
  • Author's tea recipes
Pay within 20 minutes and receive a video review of my apartment as a bonus
Contents of the review
How to organize a dressing room/closet with clothes to select looks in 5 minutes
How to remove visual noise from household items
How to organize a small kitchen to avoid chaos and mess
How to make your apartment always look like it's from a magazine cover
Pay within 20 minutes and receive a video review of my apartment as a bonus
Contents of the review
How to organize a dressing room/closet with clothes to select looks in 5 minutes
How to remove visual noise from household items
How to organize a small kitchen to avoid chaos and mess
How to make your apartment always look like it's from a magazine cover
Access to the course 6 months
Access to chat forever
22 222₽
Decluttering marathon inside the chat
Marathon on organizing spaces within a chat
Access to the course 1 month
Access to chat forever
14 444₽
Decluttering marathon inside the chat
Marathon on organizing spaces within a chat
You have a letter
from Alena
You have probably heard the phrase: "Our environment affects us." But the environment is not only our relatives, friends and colleagues.

This includes the space in which we live. The place where we meet and see off every day of our lives. Where we dream, grieve, rejoice, make grandiose plans and restore strength when we are tired.

But if this space is filled with superfluous things that are not pleasing to the eye, disorder and chaos, on the contrary, it takes away our resource. We feel overwhelmed. We don't feel like we want doing anything. We have no inspiration and motivation.

I know how you can organize your life differently.
Tens of thousands of your comments and messages asking me to share my secrets have inspired me to put all my knowledge together.

This is how this online project YA AT HOME was born. A project about how to create your own dream space using simple rules and small daily steps. A space that will fill you with energy, resource and inspiration every day.
Dear, I wrote this letter especially for you. Find 3 minutes and read it
If you still have questions or can’t pay, write to us on WhatsApp and we will help
Official contacts care services
of Alena Yanchevskaya info@yanchevskaya.pro or Telegram
© Allena Yanchevskaya, 2024
All rights are reserved
IE Yanchevskaya Victoria Aleksandrovna
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